
What is Permacultire?

Permaculture is a concept and approach to land management that is based on the arrangements seen in healthy natural ecosystems. It applies these principles to regenerative agriculture, rewilding, and community resilience, among other things. Bill Mollison and David Holmgren created the term in 1978, in contrast to Western industrialized practices and in agreement with indigenous peoples.

Machine Leanring

Machine Leanring (ML) can be useful for initial and/or temporary inputs to establish this kind of systems. Permaculture aims to make people and local communities self-reliant from the industrialized political economy. Permaculture involves taking action locally while being conscious of larger global issues

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Michael Pollan / #agroecology

More Reading

thanks to all people who publish

Drawing the blueprints for a sustainable agroecological transition.

The Transformative Partnership Platform (TPP) on Agroecology and its partners are pleased to invite you to a virtual event on 15 July to discuss policies for transitions to agroecological food systems.


Agroecology in support of crop protection and the control of zoonoses

Agroecological crop protection reduces the risks of the emergence of viral zoonoses, according to a study published by researchers from CIRAD in Science of the Total Environment . This analysis of 300 scientific articles indicates that applying the principles of agroecology to crop protection methods tends to reduce the risk of viral zoonoses, while improving animal welfare, biodiversity and resilience to climate change.


The impact of a community farm on community social cohesion: the case of CoFarm

Reduce our dependence on the global economy and replace it with household and local economies , we reduce the demand that drives current inequities.


Global Biodiversity Framework

Global Dialogue on the role of food and agriculture in the Post Global Biodiversity Framework


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